Welcome to the NeCIPCo! You can use our API to access Nueve09 Card Issuing API endpoints, which can help you to manage your cards from your card program.
We have json example calls! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can copy the example json.
Base URL
All the request use a Base URL with the following pattern https://address/version/resources, the current version is V1 and there are 2 deployed environments TEST and PRODUCTION:
Data encryption & Encoding
In NeCIPCo, all the sensitive information is exchanged ciphered using RSA Public/Private Pair Keys.
The sended sensitive data (like 16 digit card numbers & pins), must be always encrypted in every request with system public key returned in Get Public Key.
The received sensitive data (like 16 digit card numbers & pins), is always returned encrypted in every response with the api client public key registered in Add Public Key, and must be decrypted with your Private key file.
You can generate a RSA Key pair for encrypt/decrypt information using OpenSSL with the following commands (GNU/Linux or MacOS shells):
- Generate a 2048 bit RSA
- With password
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048
- Without password
$ openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
- Export the RSA Public Key to a File (the -pubout flag is really important.)
$ openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem
- Verify the exported RSA Public Key (starts with -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----)
$ cat public.pem
- If you need too export your private key (EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!) use the following command:
$ openssl rsa -in private.pem -out private_unencrypted.pem -outform PEM
- Verify the exported RSA Private Key (starts with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----)
$ cat private_unencrypted.pem
If you need to make a POST, PUT request and send data in body params, the sensitive information after encrypted, must be encoded in Base 64 (RFC 4648) before to be sended.
If you need to make a GET request and send data in query params, the sensitive information after encrypted, must be encoded in Base 64 Encoded with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet (RFC 4648) before to be sended. In general, you need to use '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/'. Note that the result can still contain '=' as padding character and must be avoided in the final encoding result.
CiMAPI uses API keys and password to allow access to the API. You can request an user & password combination in
The client starts authentication using the POST /auth/login service see Get authorization Token. If the authentication succeeds, a JWT token is dispatched to the client in the Authorization response header, with format Bearer #{token}.
The client can use this token to authenticate following requests for the same user, providing it in the Authorization request header, also with format Bearer #{token}
The Bearer #{token} is expected for CiMAPI in all the API calls (except in login), the header looks like the following:
Authorization: Bearer ey61tqga7aYQk1I1NiJ9.ksiwtags&qIyMDNmMDQxha729smdhsQwODgtOTlmOS00NzdkNTI1ZTNkZGIiLCJzdWIiOiIxNjE1NDlkNS02NDRiLTRkZjItYmZjOC00YjNkZjJlNmEzMjciLCJzY3AiOioajqtw536qYU1q(iwiYXVkIjpudWxsLCJpYXQiOjE2MDc5NzU0NTgsImV4cCI6MTYwODA2MTg1OH0.9q5taGtw2-0Op1KDqizDKBSRE3Id7dAappWuDb0BaP0
Get authorization token
Example JSON Request:
"api_client": {
"api_key": "api_key",
"password": "password"
Example JSON Response:
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Logged in successfully."
"data": {
"client": {
"id": "3c971526-6abd-42d8-8532-647c986ab493",
"name": "Nueve09",
"alias": "NUEVE09",
"code": "NUE",
"entity_code": "123",
"email": "[email protected]",
"available": 22814.55,
"balance": 1154.0,
"timezone": "America/Mexico_City",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"created_at": "2020-11-04T19:36:04.399-06:00",
"updated_at": "2020-12-14T13:55:50.246-06:00"
This endpoint retrieves an Authorization Bearer token and api_client basic information. The authorization token is returned in headers as "Authorization"
HTTP Request
POST /auth/login
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Description |
api_client.api_key required |
The api_key assignated to your user. |
api_client.password required |
The password assignated for authentication. |
Expire authorization token
Example JSON Request:
DELETE /auth/logout
Example JSON Response:
This endpoint revoke an Authorization Bearer token created by Get authorization Token.
HTTP Request
DELETE /auth/logout
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Get a cardholder
Example JSON Request:
GET /cardholders?id=ec123456-1qq2-1234-tt5g-8873fe52bf54
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"cardholder": {
"id": "ec123456-1qq2-1234-tt5g-8873fe52bf54",
"first_name": "John",
"second_name": "Doe",
"surname": "González",
"second_surname": "Pérez",
"rfc": "XAXX010101000",
"curp": "XEXX010101HNEXXXA4",
"email": "[email protected]",
"primary_phone": "5555555555",
"mobile_phone": "5555555555",
"address": {
"street": "Av. Siempre",
"external_street_number": "#12",
"internal_street_number": "Lt3.",
"suburb": "Nápoles",
"township": "Benito Juárez",
"city": "Ciudad de México",
"state": "CDMX",
"postal_code": "55120",
"country": "484"
"birthdate": "1995-09-22",
"gender": "M",
"gross_monthly_income": 20000,
"net_monthly_income": 20000,
"observations": "",
"has_kids": true,
"marital_status": "CASADO",
"external_id": "123",
"accounts": [
"id": "cca4c4a5-504e-4fa4-bafc-a947bcf77f4e",
"account_number": 555555555,
"creation_date": "2020-11-25T18:00:00.000-06:00",
"activation_date": null,
"assigned_by": "161549d5-644b-4df2-bfc8-4b3df2e6a327",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"document": {
"type": "INE",
"number": "321321321321321"
"cards": [
"id": "12123214-2e34-4fff-844f-321654987123",
"last_four": "1234",
"assignation_date": "2020-11-26T02:26:32.066-06:00",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"assigned_by": {
"id": "161549d5-644b-4df2-bfc8-4b3df2e6a327",
"alias": "API_KEY",
"name": "WS_NAME",
"description": ""
This operation query a cardholder using several param filters. If several params are used to search, they will be concatenated with AND operator. At least one param filter should be specified.
HTTP Request
GET /cardholders
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
id optional |
string | uuid | The card_id to search. |
rfc optional |
string | 10-13 characters | The rfc to search. |
curp optional |
string | 18 characters | The curp to search. |
email optional |
string | 5-100 characters | The email to search. |
primary_phone optional |
string | 10 digits | The primary_phone to search. |
mobile_phone optional |
string | 10 digits | The mobile to search. |
Create a cardholder
Example JSON Request:
"first_name": "John",
"second_name": "Doe",
"surname": "González",
"second_surname": "Pérez",
"rfc": "XAXX010101000",
"curp": "XEXX010101HNEXXXA4",
"email": "[email protected]",
"primary_phone": "5555555555",
"mobile_phone": "5555555555",
"street": "Av. Siempre",
"ext_street_number": "#12",
"int_street_number": "Lt3.",
"suburb": "Nápoles",
"township": "Benito Juárez",
"city": "CDMX",
"state": "CDMX",
"postal_code": "55120",
"birthdate": "1995-09-22",
"gender": "MALE",
"marital_status": "SOLTERO",
"has_kids": false,
"gross_monthly_income": 20000,
"net_monthly_income": 18000,
"observations": ""
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"cardholder": {
"id": "ec123456-1qq2-1234-tt5g-8873fe52bf54",
"first_name": "John",
"second_name": "Doe",
"surname": "González",
"second_surname": "Pérez",
"rfc": "XAXX010101000",
"curp": "XEXX010101HNEXXXA4",
"email": "[email protected]"
This endpoint creates a cardholder.
HTTP Request
POST /cardholders
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
first_name required |
string | 1-12 characters | The cardholder's first name. |
second_name required |
string | 1-12 characters | The cardholder's second name. |
surname required |
string | 1-12 characters | The cardholder's surname. |
second_surname required |
string | 1-12 characters | The cardholder's second surname. |
rfc required |
string | 10-13 characters | The cardholder's RFC. |
curp required |
string | 18 characters | The cardholder's CURP. |
email required |
string | The cardholder's email. | |
primary_phone required |
string | 10 digits | The cardholder's primary phone. Can be local phone or mobile_phone. |
mobile_phone required |
string | 10 digits | The cardholder's mobile_phone. |
street required |
string | 1-20 characters | The cardholder's street address. |
ext_street_number required |
string | 1-5 characters | The cardholder's street address number. |
int_street_number optional |
string | 1-5 characters | The cardholder's street address number. |
suburb required |
string | 1-25 characters | The cardholder's suburb address. |
city required |
string | 1-25 characters | The cardholder's city address. |
state required |
string | States | The cardholder's state address. See allowed values in Get States Catalog |
postal_code required |
string | 5 digits | The cardholder's address postal code. |
birthdate required |
date | YYYY-MM-dd | The cardholder's birthdate. |
gender required |
string | Gerequirednder | The cardholder's gender. See allowed values in Get Gender Catalog |
marital_status required |
string | Marital Status | The cardholder's marital status. See allowed values in Get Marital Status Catalog |
has_kids required |
boolean | true or false | If cardholder's has kids or not. |
gross_monthly_income optional |
float | digits | Cardholder's gross monthly income (in MXN). |
net_monthly_income optional |
float | digits | Cardholder's net monthly income (in MXN). |
observations optional |
string | 0-100 characters | Some observations about cardholder. |
external_id optional |
string | 0-40 characters | A place to put an external reference. If provided, it must be unique. |
Assign a card to a cardholder
Example JSON Request:
"cardholder_id": "55555555-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"document_type": "INE",
"document_number": "1234123412",
"latitude": 12.65343,
"longitude": -134.87536
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"cardholder": {
"id": "ab123456-1qq2-1234-tt5g-8873fe52bf54" ,
"first_name": "John",
"second_name": "Doe",
"surname": "González",
"second_surname": "Pérez",
"rfc": "XAXX010101000",
"curp": "XEXX010101HNEXXXA4"
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"type": "PHISYCAL",
"status": "NEED_ACTIVATION",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"card_number": "************1234"
"account": {
"id": "22222222-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"reference": "555555555",
"clabe": null
This operations allow you to assign a card from the stock to a cardholder.
HTTP Request
PUT /cards
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* | The card_number to be assigned |
cardholder_id required |
string | uuid | The cardholder's id. |
document_type required |
string | Document Type | The cardholder's document type to be registeres with the card. See allowed values in Get Document Type Catalog |
document_number required |
string | 1-27 characters | The document number belonging to the document type |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the assignment is made. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the assignment is made. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
observations optional |
string | 0-100 characters | Some comment about the assignation |
Activate a card
Example JSON Request:
"card_number": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": 15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"account": {
"id": "12312312-1234-1234-1234-123456123123",
"reference": "555555555"
This operation allow you to activate a card. Every card in stock is created in a "Non Active status" (NEED_ACTIVATION), and you need to activate each card explicity.
HTTP Request
POST /cards/activate
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id to be activated. |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the activation is made. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the activation is made. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Change card status
Example JSON Request:
"card_number": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": 15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"account": {
"id": "12312312-1234-1234-1234-123456123123",
"reference": "555555555"
This operation allow you to change the card status. You can block/unblock a card to accept or deny transactions, report for a replacement or make preventive blocks for the card.
HTTP Request
PUT /cards/status
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id to be updated. |
status required |
string | Catalog | The update status for the card. See allowed values in Get Card Status Catalog |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the status update is made. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the status update is made. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Get the card balance
Example JSON Request:
GET /cards/balance?card_number=11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd&movements=true
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"available": 500,
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"account": {
"id": "12312312-1234-1234-1234-123456123123",
"reference": "555555555"
"movements": [ {
"fecha": "20201214",
"hora": "195550",
"comercio": "FINPULSO SAPI",
"importe": "350.11",
"descripcion_importe": null,
"codigo_autorizacion": "504884"
This operations allow you to query a card balance and recent transactions information.
HTTP Request
GET /cards/balance
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id to be requested. |
movements required |
boolean | true or false | Set if you want the last movements. |
Get card info
Example JSON Request:
GET /cards/info?card_number=11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"account": {
"id": "78458a5b-ac25-4f7a-1234-4cb78eeb234e",
"reference": 555555555
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"card_type": "PHYSICAL",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"card_number": "hsy36Gsrw934jhGUo/PMs8/dYFY+QBZidvVprSGXEZxo0Hk5HPVt3kEqI8dVvRlL8t8o0h6p5OwYnXx0Hg40E/btpkpbesKDqRjaTCPHs2Czi42Q7l1QJVCM4x5wBK18HByk3IMaGmzzCM4A1l3bF9eX/mZyaSdY3cpBdD3c2wRIX73Qju52btNqWY6PIVVAI1VnocHGWBYDxHWDjL/pbx1H+iD3wlDPoezpEQk4d7IkXWyueDoyU2PAOZd7EC4Zs+uFMtiNCQUOXCbBtKgCAsAPy18UzN54i2Lv+0Y1EOQ6GM0xoqHersqPPrZ/6EBYD1ki9AsCKi7H5eDTN4oLqg==",
"activity": {
"last_approved_operation": "N/D",
"last_denied_operation": "2021-04-08 15:54:37",
"last_block_status": "2021-04-05 22:57:15"
"cardholder": {
"name": "Jonh Doe",
"phone": "5555555555",
"address": "Av. Siempre #12 Lt3.",
"postal_code": "55120",
"township": "Benito Juárez",
"country": "MEXICO ",
"document": {
"type": "INE",
"number": "321321321321321"
This operation allow you to query card user information.
HTTP Request
GET /cards/info
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id to be requested. |
Authenticate card for cardholder
Example JSON Request:
GET /cards/authenticate?card_number=12123214-2e34-4fff-844f-321654987123&authentication_info=123476
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "Authentication successful!",
"data": {
"validated": true
This endpoint allows you to authenticate a cardholder for card validation using the last 4 digits from the card number and 2 last digits from ATM PIN.
HTTP Request
GET /cards/authenticate
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id to be requested. |
authentication_info required |
string | 6 digits | Last four from card + 2 last ATM PIN digits |
Get card PIN for POS
Example JSON Request:
GET /cards/pin/pos?card_number=11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd&latitude=12.12345&longitude=-15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"pin": "krgwsrwsear4ggweg4sad8g45we4g5w4srd545a4g5rs4d7ghasdv4a5r4gasgasrhy8f7ju4k85448hg4n84f84b8fg4b8f4gb8dfgb4dfgb8d"
"account": {
"id": "78458a5b-ac25-4f7a-1234-4cb78eeb234e",
"reference": 555555555
This operation allow you to query the PIN for POS purchases. This is the PIN used in transactions and purchases confirmation.
HTTP Request
GET /cards/pin/pos
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id to be requested. |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the pin is requestes. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the pin is requested. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Example JSON Request:
"card_number": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": 15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"id": "ab123456-1qq2-1234-tt5g-8873fe52bf54"
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"account": {
"id": "78458a5b-ac25-4f7a-1234-4cb78eeb234e",
"reference": 555555555
This operation allow you to set the ATM PIN. This PIN is used to withdraw cash in ATM machines. The use of this operation rewrites the PIN with the new a one without the knowlenge of the previous PIN. Can be used to clear the old pin and can bethe same as POS PIN but this is not required.
HTTP Request
POST /cards/pin
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id to be updated. |
pin required |
string | 4 digits** | The ATM PIN to be set. |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the set pin is requested. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the set pin is requested. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Update ATM PIN
Example JSON Request:
"card_number": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"old_pin": "z3S01qUrzJd7ZoiTkegq4JWCoB-NP2qgxQzSnklalnTSEPPbPEhyR_y3zTup6ZTQto0FXE1ArtLPmntQ6-RKg",
"new_pin": "t7wog3ytUChBC2xdLNe-sAQ-VXt7xgDi6U_iNSGQPyA7hPBYs1-_mLtKKrF6yupZO8ZJwC2O-lehzCYeQ4tUQs",
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": 15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"operation": {
"id": "ab123456-1qq2-1234-tt5g-8873fe52bf54"
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"account": {
"id": "78458a5b-ac25-4f7a-1234-4cb78eeb234e",
"reference": 555555555
This operation allow you to update the old ATM PIN with a new one. This service necessarily needs the correct old PIN to work.
HTTP Request
PUT /cards/pin
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id to be updated. |
old_pin required |
string | 4 digits** | The ATM PIN to be replaced. |
new_pin required |
string | 4 digits** | The new ATM PIN to be set. |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the pin update is requested. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the pin update is requested. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Validate ATM PIN
Example JSON Request:
GET /cards/pin/validate?card_number=12123214-2e34-4fff-844f-321654987123&latitude=12.12345&longitude=-5.12345&pin=t7wog3ytUChBC2xdLNe-sAQ-VXt7xgDi6U_iNSGQPyA7hPBYs1-_mLtKKrF6yupZO8ZJwC2O-lehzCYeQ4t
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "PIN Validated",
"data": {
"validated": true
This operation allow you to validate an ATM PIN for a card. This operation is useful if yoy want to make a validation (user, transaction, etc...). If there is more than 5 wrong attemps, the service is going to be blocked temporaly, increasing the blocking time each 5 wrong attemps.
HTTP Request
GET /cards/pin/validate
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id to be validated. |
pin required |
string | 4 digits** | The ATM PIN to be validated. |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the validation is made. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the validation is made. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Make a transfer between cards
Example JSON Request:
"origin_card": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"destination_card": "v7ut6AztPIH_SJK9gRETQQnFmqFPS-qcexyuRly0Hr9_jaG5YAnE_7CNNl_nbLYBi6YJvpnoZFSQdVgPaSEPPbPEhyR_y3zTup6ZTQto0FXE1ArtLPmntQ6-RKg",
"amount": 1000,
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": 15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"operation": {
"id": "a5030ec4-1f66-445d-b4d2-e3cf3a055fc1",
"authorization_code": 65498745,
"amount": 1000
"origin_card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"account_id": "22222222-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"card_number": "************1234",
"account_reference": 555555555,
"previous_balance": 3000,
"new_balance": 2000
"destination_card": {
"id": "33333333-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"account_id": "44444444-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"card_number": "************4321",
"previous_balance": 1000,
"new_balance": 2000
This operations allow you to make a transfer C2C (Card to Card) between the BIN ecosystem cards.
HTTP Request
POST /cards/transfer
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
origin_card required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id to be requested. |
destination_card required |
string | 16 digits* | The card_number or card_id to be requested. |
amount required |
float | digits | Amount to transfer between cards |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the transfer is made. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the transfer is made. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Make a card disbursement
Example JSON Request:
"card_number": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"amount": 10000.00,
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": 15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"operation": {
"id": "4158d533-e95a-4c05-a341-ef7d369d3a09",
"authorization_code": "542010",
"amount": 10000.00
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"account": {
"id": "22222222-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"reference": 555555555
This operation allow you to apply a disburse to a card in order to allow increase it's available balance to make transactions (purchases, withdrawals or transferences) and decreases your main balance available.
HTTP Request
POST /cards/disbursement
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id that will receive the disbursement |
amount required |
float | digits | The amount to disburse |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the disbursement is made. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the disbursement is made. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Make a payment to a card
Example JSON Request:
"card_number": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"amount": 1000.00,
"payment_description": "ABONO POR COMISIONES",
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": -15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"operation": {
"id": "4158d533-e95a-4c05-a341-ef7d369d3a09",
"authorization_code": "542010",
"amount": 1000.00,
"payment_description": "ABONO POR COMISIONES"
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"account": {
"id": "22222222-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"reference": 555555555
This operation allow you to make a payment to a card. The payment is similar to Disburse, but allow you to specify a description for the payment. This operation increase your card's available balance and decreases your main balance available.
HTTP Request
POST /cards/payment
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id that will receive the payment |
amount required |
float | digits | The amount to receive has pay |
payment_description required |
string | 1-32 characters | The payment description |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the payment is made. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the payment is made. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Make a card withdrawal
Example JSON Request:
"card_number": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"amount": 1000.00,
"pin": "t7wog3ytUb4pDQZT6AhE1USJab_-v7ut6AztPIH_SJK9gRETQQnFmqFPS-qcexyuRly0Hr9_jaG5YAnE_7CNNl_nbLYBi6YJvpnoZFSQdVgPaI0Pm07pl6SNPz3S0",
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": -15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"operation": {
"id": "4158d533-e95a-4c05-a341-ef7d369d3a09",
"authorization_code": "542010",
"amount": 1000.00
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"account": {
"id": "22222222-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"reference": 555555555
This operation allow you to apply a withdrawal from a card. This operation decrease the available balance in card and increases your collection balance account.
HTTP Request
POST /cards/withdrawal
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id that will receive the withdrawal. |
amount required |
float | digits | The amount to withdraw |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the withdrawal is made. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the withdrawal is made. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
pin optional |
string | 4 digits** | The PIN if you need cardholder validation |
Apply a purchase to a card
Example JSON Request:
"card_number": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"amount": 1000.55,
"merchant_description": "CARGO POR COMISIONES",
"pin": "t7wog3ytUb4pDQZT6AhE1USJab_-v7ut6AztPIH_SJK9gRETQQnFmqFPS-qcexyuRly0Hr9_jaG5YAnE_7CNNl_nbLYBi6YJvpnoZFSQdVgPaI0Pm07pl6SNPz3S0",
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": 15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"operation": {
"id": "4158d533-e95a-4c05-a341-ef7d369d3a09",
"authorization_code": "542010",
"amount": 1000.55,
"merchant_description": "CARGO POR COMISIONES"
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"account": {
"id": "22222222-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"reference": 555555555
This operation allow you to apply a charge to a card. The charge is similar to Withdrawal, but allow you to specify a merchant description for the charge. This operation decrease your card's available balance and increases your collection balance account.
HTTP Request
POST /cards/purchase
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id that will receive the charge. |
amount required |
float | digits | The amount to charge |
merchant_description required |
string | 1-32 characters | The name or description of the charge |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the purchase is applyed. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the purchase is applyed. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
pin optional |
string | 4 digits** | The PIN if you need cardholder validation |
Query card movements
Example JSON Request:
GET /cards/movements?initial_date=2021-07-01&end_date=2021-07-30&card_number=ab123d54-d87f-6d2c-7b02-1234e6ab123a
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "PHYSICAL",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"account": {
"id": "22222222-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"reference": 555555555
"movements": {
"initial_date": "2021-07-01",
"end_date": "2021-07-30",
"detail": [
"id": "123456789",
"referencial_id": "MASTER.MASTER_POS.1627686137.7753921.00000077.066147.1",
"date": "2021-07-30 17:03:02",
"code": {
"type": "1",
"subtype": "99",
"description": "ON Line - Compra"
"merchant": {
"code": "7898745",
"description": "ST*STRIPE 2 CIUDAD DE MEX MEX"
"country": {
"code": "484",
"description": "MEXICO "
"amounts": {
"original": {
"coin": {
"code": "484",
"description": "Peso mexicano"
"total": "567.24"
"exchanged": {
"coin": {
"code": "484",
"description": "Peso mexicano"
"total": "567.24"
"channel": "MASTER_POS",
"authorization": "000000",
"status": {
"code": "00",
"description": "Aprobada"
"retrieval": "121212121212"
This operation allow you query card movements between a date range.
HTTP Request
GET /cards/movements
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card_number or card_id that will receive the charge. |
initial_date required |
date | YYYY-MM-DD | Initial movements query date. |
end_date required |
date | YYYY-MM-DD | End movements query date. |
Virtual Cards
Create a Virtual Card
Example JSON Request:
"cardholder_id": "ec123456-1qq2-1234-tt5g-8873fe52bf54",
"document_type": "INE",
"document_number": "123456123456",
"observations": "",
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": -15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"cardholder": {
"id": "ab123456-1qq2-1234-tt5g-8873fe52bf54" ,
"first_name": "John",
"second_name": "Doe",
"surname": "González",
"second_surname": "Pérez",
"rfc": "XAXX010101000",
"curp": "XEXX010101HNEXXXA4"
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"type": "VIRTUAL",
"status": "NEED_ACTIVATION",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"card_number": "w98475n238c4u239874nc234p98c2m3084r238y46nx2p498y2n3984y304t503x4m237095",
"exp_year": "klsdjfoisdjfowie48r2u9384uj4irth230984u5203985f235",
"exp_month": "ñofhashfñgñoasirhgasohoqwhreoi234u5234j5234857234tj5r23i4p5jh235"
"account": {
"id": "22222222-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"reference": "555555555",
"clabe": null
This operation allow you to create a Virtual Card for a cardholder usually valid for E-Commerce purchases. You can use
this cards also with the following services:
* Activate
* Change status
* Get Balance
* Get Info
* Authenticate cardholder
* Make transfer
* Make disbursement
* Make payment
* Make withdrawal
* Apply purchase
If SPEI® is allowed, you can call the following services:
HTTP Request
POST /cards/virtual
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
product required |
string | uuid | The product_id for the virtual card. See allowed values in Get Products |
cardholder_id required |
string | uuid | The cardholder's id. |
document_type required |
string | Document Type | The cardholder's document type to be registeres with the card. See allowed values in Get Document Type Catalog |
document_number required |
string | 27 characters | The document number belonging to the document type |
observations required |
string | 0-100 characters | Some comment about the card creation. |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the virtual card is created. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the virtual card is created. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Create physical card from virtual
Example JSON Request:
"card_number": "t7wog3ytUb4pDQZT6AhE1USJab_-v7ut6AztPIH_SJK9gRETQQnFmqFPS-qcexyuRly0Hr9_jaG5YAnE_7CNNl_nbLYBi6YJvpnoZFSQdVgPaI0Pm07pl6SNPz3S0",
"delivery_street": "Av. Siempre",
"delivery_street_number": "#12 Lt3.",
"delivery_township": "Benito Juárez",
"delivery_state": "CDMX",
"delivery_postal_code": "55120",
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": 15.12354
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"card": {
"id": "ab123456-1qq2-1234-tt5g-8873fe52bf54",
"masked_card_number": "************1234"
"account": {
"id": "22222222-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"rfc": "XAXX010101000",
"curp": "XEXX010101HNEXXXA4",
"primary_phone": "5555555555",
"mobile_phone": "5555555555",
"observations": "",
"document": {
"type": "INE",
"description": "Instituto Nacional Electoral",
"number": "1236543212"
"delivery_address": {
"street": "Av. Siempre",
"street_number": "#12 Lt3.",
"township": "Benito Juárez",
"state": "CDMX",
"postal_code": "55120"
This operation allow you to create a physical card from your virtual card. Depending on your program configuration and product, card can go to your main warehouse or directly to the cardholder delivery address.
HTTP Request
PUT /cards/virtual
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits** | The card number for the card to request the physical card |
delivery_street required |
string | 1-20 characters | The delivery street for the card. |
delivery_street_number required |
string | 1-10 characters | The delivery street number for the card. |
delivery_township required |
string | 1-25 characters | The delivery township for the card. |
delivery_state required |
string | States | The delivery state for the card. See allowed values in Get States Catalog |
delivery_postal_code required |
string | 5 digits | The delivery postal code address for the card. |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the physical card request is made. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the physical card request is made. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Create Virtual Card CVC
Example JSON Request:
GET /cards/virtual/cvc?&card_number=11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd&pin=1qUrzJd7ZoiTkegq4JWCoB-NP2qgxQzSnklalnTSEPPbPEhyR_y3zTup6ZTQto0FXE1ArtLPmntQ6-RKg&latitude=12.12345&longitude=15.13445
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"card": {
"id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"masked_card_number": "************1234",
"type": "VIRTUAL",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"cvc": "iufehqoiwuefhpqwi9ufuiphrpu235978234yrt32y049y98j57089f7h23847f5309",
"remaining_time": "3"
"account": {
"id": "22222222-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"reference": 555555555
This operation allow you to request a temporary cvc for a virtual card to authorize purchase operations. Before generate a valid CVC you need to set a ATM PIN first.
HTTP Request
GET /cards/virtual/cvc
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | The card number or card_id for the card to request the cvc. |
pin required |
string | 4 digits** | The ATM PIN for the card |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the cvv is requested. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the cvv is requested. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Get client information
Example JSON Request:
GET /clients
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"client": {
"id": "65656565-ecb4-42d8-8555-858585858585",
"name": "Capsule Corp.",
"alias": "CAPCORP",
"code": "CAPSU",
"email": "[email protected]",
"available": 1000000.51,
"balance": 160.49,
"time_zone": "America/Mexico_City",
"status": "ACTIVE"
This operation allow you to query your registered client information.
HTTP Request
GET /clients
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Get your public key
Example JSON Request:
GET /clients/api_key/public_key
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"client": {
"id": "12345abc-ebb5-56d8-3256-9875672a3455",
"name": "CAPSULE CORP",
"alias": "CAPSULE",
"api_key": {
"id": "54321abc-abc5-56d8-6987-9875672a6587",
"alias": "DEFAULT_API_KEY",
"public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAuSH7IAJikX+jhtH8RROa\nWvwc4ISXXOCufLFk5DIrzK8thXpgAvFe9mg2J0kg5DSu0+FMLbfmmiMGsAElirs7\nK3LO2SgGLultdLdDcnlDNqXJNTJudhhVcAcIP93UBoN8XgH9rnqdXB4GXCGk5QCz\nV/Cfk6O8VyIKG9mGlRx5HJkPyjnJfrYptoNag9hMBc+TIfuhlOycG3+C1KdOUvsL\nQet6twHr0NBt8NyAOAP32v9slRFZS1tWn2ZcJMIfb+qYspcNhV1LB1CijHyjImaC\nOhyh3Cbf3/u7xv0qoHHmPcUmXniA9I+yA4taogx0NUE1pWjXqqtKjBhpS57leh60\nxQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
"system": {
"public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGTYAFSRW6RKAFGHYTRFDERTGTYTAR5FDSBCgKCAQEAuSH7IAJikX+jhtH8RROa\nWvwc4ISXXOCufLFk5DIrzK8thXpgAvFe9mg2J0kg5DSu0+FMLbfmmiMGsAElirs7\nK3LO2SgGLultdLdDcnlDNqXJNTJudhhVcAcIP93UBoN8XgH9rnqdXB4GXCGk5QCz\nV/Cfk6O8VyIKG9mGlRx5HJkPyjnJfrYptoNag9hMBc+TIfuhlOycG3+C1KdOUvsL\nQet6twHr0NBt8NyAOAP32v9slRFZS1tWn2ZcJMIfb+qYspcNhV1LB1CijHyjImaC\nOhyh3Cbf3/u7xv0qoHHmPcUmXniA9I+yA4taogx0NUE1pWjXqqtKjBhpS57leh60\nxQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
"sensitive_data": "odsfsodiurfopsjf0w9ierf0w9ef098409mrd0394u08923nxc98n23b8v2378rtn8274rtbxcbtc"
This operation allow you to query your registered public key to allow system cipher sensitive data in responses and system public key to cipher sensitive data in your request. If a public key is not registered you can register one using Add Public Key.
HTTP Request
GET /clients/api_key/public_key
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Create a client
Example JSON Request:
"name": "Noentiendo",
"alias": "NOENT",
"email": "[email protected]",
"available": 1000,
"phone": "5555555555",
"mobile_phone": "6666666666",
"rfc": "AAMM9001010A1",
"street": "Av. Siempre",
"ext_street_number": "1234",
"int_street_number": "Apt.4",
"suburb": "Nápoles",
"township": "Benito Juarez",
"city": "CDMX",
"state": "CDMX",
"postal_code": "55555",
"contact_name": "Juan",
"contact_second_name": "Alberto",
"contact_surname": "Perea",
"contact_second_surname": "Perez",
"contact_email": "[email protected]",
"contact_telephone_country_code": 52,
"contact_telephone": "5555555555",
"contact_mobile_phone_country_code": 52,
"contact_mobile_phone": "6666666666",
"legal_representative_name": "Iman",
"legal_representative_second_name": "Hora",
"legal_representative_surname": "Martinez",
"legal_representative_second_surname": "Martinez",
"legal_representative_email": "[email protected]",
"legal_representative_telephone_country_code": 52,
"legal_representative_telephone": "5555555555",
"legal_representative_mobile_phone_country_code": 52,
"legal_representative_mobile_phone": "6666666666",
"api_key_name": "SUB_CLIENT_ACCESS",
"api_key_description": "Subclient Api Key",
"api_key_password": "12345"
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"subclient": {
"id": "12345abc-ebb5-56d8-3256-9875672a3455",
"code": "NOENT",
"name": "Noentiendo",
"available": 1000,
"rfc": "AAMM9001010A1",
"api_client": {
"id": "",
"name": "54321abc-abc5-56d8-6987-9875672a6587",
"alias": "NOENT",
"description": "Subclient Api Key"
This operation allow you to create a subclient for your account. You need to have available balance to create a subclient.
HTTP Request
POST /clients
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
name required |
string | 5-30 characters | The name of the company to be created |
alias required |
string | 3-10 characters | Alias for the company to be created |
email required |
string | Main email for the company | |
available required |
float | float number | Initial available for the company |
phone required |
string | 10 digits | Main phone for the company |
mobile_phone required |
string | 10 digits | Main mobile phone for the company |
rfc required |
string | 10-13 characters | RFC of the company to be created |
street required |
string | 1-20 characters | Street name where the company is located |
ext_street_number required |
string | 1-5 characters | External street number where the company is located |
int_street_number optional |
string | 1-5 characters | Internal street number where the company is located |
suburb required |
string | 1-25 characters | Suburb where the company is located |
township required |
string | 1-25 characters | Township where the company is located |
city required |
string | 1-25 characters | City where the company is located |
state required |
string | States | The company state address. See allowed values in Get States Catalog |
postal_code required |
string | 5 digits | Postal code where the company is located |
contact_name required |
string | 1-12 characters | The name of the main contact for the company |
contact_second_name optional |
string | 1-12 characters | The second name of the main contact for the company |
contact_surname required |
string | 1-12 characters | The surname of the main contact for the company |
contact_second_surname optional |
string | 1-12 characters | The second surname of the main contact for the company |
contact_email required |
string | The email of the main contact for the company | |
contact_telephone_country_code required |
string | 2-3 digits | The telephone country code of the main contact for the company |
contact_telephone required |
string | 10 digits | The telephone of the main contact for the company |
contact_mobile_phone_country_code required |
string | 2-3 digits | The mobile phone country code of the main contact for the company |
contact_mobile_phone required |
string | 10 digits | The mobile phone of the main contact for the company |
legal_representative_name optional |
string | 1-12 characters | The name of the legal representative for the company |
legal_representative_second_name optional |
string | 1-12 characters | The second name of the legal representative for the company |
legal_representative_surname optional |
string | 1-12 characters | The surname of the legal representative for the company |
legal_representative_second_surname optional |
string | 1-12 characters | The second surname of the legal representative for the company |
legal_representative_email optional |
string | The email of the legal representative for the company | |
legal_representative_telephone_country_code optional |
string | 2-3 digits | The telephone country code of the legal representative for the company |
legal_representative_telephone optional |
string | 10 digits | The telephone of the legal representative for the company |
legal_representative_mobile_phone_country_code optional |
string | 2-3 digits | TThe mobile phone country code of the legal representative for the company |
legal_representative_mobile_phone optional |
string | 10 digits | The mobile phone of the legal representative for the company |
api_key_name required |
string | 5-30 characters | Api Key name for the company to be created |
api_key_description optional |
string | 1-30 characters | Description for the Api Key |
api_key_password required |
string | 1-30 characters | The Api Key password web service access |
Add your public key
Example JSON Request:
"public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAuSH7IAJikX+jhtH8RROa\nWvwc4ISXXOCufLFk5DIrzK8thXpgAvFe9mg2J0kg5DSu0+FMLbfmmiMGsAElirs7\nK3LO2SgGLultdLdDcnlDNqXJNTJudhhVcAcIP93UBoN8XgH9rnqdXB4GXCGk5QCz\nV/Cfk6O8VyIKG9mGlRx5HJkPyjnJfrYptoNag9hMBc+TIfuhlOycG3+C1KdOUvsL\nQet6twHr0NBt8NyAOAP32v9slRFZS1tWn2ZcJMIfb+qYspcNhV1LB1CijHyjImaC\nOhyh3Cbf3/u7xv0qoHHmPcUmXniA9I+yA4taogx0NUE1pWjXqqtKjBhpS57leh60\nxQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"client": {
"id": "12345abc-ebb5-56d8-3256-9875672a3455",
"name": "CAPSULE CORP",
"alias": "CAPSULE"
"api_key": {
"id": "15aad21d-f6fb-481e-bb12-ae3256987ff0",
"alias": "DEFAULT_API_KEY",
"public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAuSH7IAJikX+jhtH8RROa\nWvwc4ISXXOCufLFk5DIrzK8thXpgAvFe9mg2J0kg5DSu0+FMLbfmmiMGsAElirs7\nK3LO2SgGLultdLdDcnlDNqXJNTJudhhVcAcIP93UBoN8XgH9rnqdXB4GXCGk5QCz\nV/Cfk6O8VyIKG9mGlRx5HJkPyjnJfrYptoNag9hMBc+TIfuhlOycG3+C1KdOUvsL\nQet6twHr0NBt8NyAOAP32v9slRFZS1tWn2ZcJMIfb+qYspcNhV1LB1CijHyjImaC\nOhyh3Cbf3/u7xv0qoHHmPcUmXniA9I+yA4taogx0NUE1pWjXqqtKjBhpS57leh60\nxQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
This operation allow you to upload a public key to cipher sensitive data in responses. Certain services did not work if a public key is not loaded because the necessary information needs to be returned always ciphered. See Encryption for information about generate encryption/decryption keys.
HTTP Request
POST /clients/api_key/public_key
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
public_key required |
string | RSA public key | Client's public key to be registered. |
Fund a client
Example JSON Request:
"client_id": "12345abc-ebb5-56d8-3256-9875672a3455",
"amount": 1200.50
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"client": {
"id": "12345abc-ebb5-56d8-3256-9875672a3455",
"code": "CORP",
"name": "CAPSULE CORP",
"available": 50000,
"subclient": {
"id": "15aad21d-f6fb-481e-bb12-ae3256987ff0",
"name": "RED RIBBON",
"code": "REDRI",
"available": 1200.50 ,
If your program allow subclient creation, this operation let you top up the main account for your subclients subtracting the balance from your account and sending funds to your subclients account.
HTTP Request
POST /clients/fund
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
client_id required |
string | uuid | Client's id to be funded. |
amount required |
float | digits | Amount to be funded. |
Create SPEI®
Example JSON Request:
"card_number": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"payment_concept": "Pago de Renta",
"beneficiary_account": "014027000005555558",
"beneficiary_institution": "SANTANDER",
"amount": 3000.25,
"beneficiary_name": "John Doe",
"numeric_reference": "12345" ,
"beneficiary_rfc_curp": "ND",
"beneficiary_email": "[email protected]",
"latitude": 12.12345,
"longitude": -15.12345
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"card": {
"card_id": "11111111-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"card_type": "PHISYCAL",
"masked_card_number": "************1234"
"account": {
"account_id": "22222222-daa7-1234-aaaa-123123123ecd",
"rfc": "XAXX010101000",
"curp": "XEXX010101HNEXXXA4",
"primary_phone": "5555555555",
"mobile_phone": "5555555555",
"observations": ""
"spei": {
"id": "123456",
"tracking_key": "ABM123456789",
"operation_date": "2021-01-01",
"reference_operation": "ab123456-1qq2-1234-tt5g-8873fe52bf54",
"amount": 3000.25,
"commission": 5.80,
"commission_type": "FLAT",
"iva": 0.93
If your program has SPEI service enabled, this operation allow you to make an "Interbanking Transfer" from a card to any Mexican Bank part of Mexican Bank Association (Asociación de Bancos de México – ABM).
HTTP Request
POST /spei
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Pattern | Description |
card_number required |
string | 16 digits* or uuid | Sender's card number or card_id |
payment_concept required |
string | 1-40 characters | Transfer payment concept |
beneficiary_account required |
string | 10, 16 or 18 digits | Beneficiary's account, can be phone, card number or CLABE |
beneficiary_institution required |
string | SPEI Institucions | Beneficiary's bank institution |
amount required |
float | digits | Amount to transfer |
beneficiary_name required |
string | 1-40 characters | Beneficiary's account name |
numeric_reference required |
string | 1-7 digits | Numeric reference for payment |
beneficiary_rfc_curp required |
string | 'ND', 10-13 or 18 characters | Beneficiary's RFC or CURP. If not known use 'ND' string |
beneficiary_email required |
string | Beneficiary's email | |
latitude required |
float | Digits format "DD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Latitude from where the spei is requested. South latitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Latitudes range from -90 to 90 |
longitude required |
float | Digits format "DDD.ddddd" (5 decimal precision) | Longitude from where the spei is requested. West longitudes are preceded by a minus sign. Longitudes range from -180 to 180 |
Get SPEI® Institutions
Example JSON Request:
GET /spei/institutions
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"spei_institutions": [
"inicio_clabe": "006",
"clave_institucion": "37006",
"nombre_institucion": "BANCOMEXT"
This endpoint retrieves the bank institution catalog.
HTTP Request
GET /spei/institutions
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
GET products
Example JSON Request:
GET /products
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"products": {
"total": 1,
"detail": [
"id": "365d568a-4567-123e-81dc-987654bf1234",
"description": "",
"country": {
"code": "484",
"description": null
"coin": {
"code": "484",
"description": "PESO MEXICANO"
"type": {
"key": "DEBIT_2",
"value": "Debito 2"
"status": {
"key": "ACTIVE",
"value": "activo"
"affinity_group": "0003",
"stock_cards": 0,
"allow_blank_curp": false,
"allow_blank_rfc": false
This endpoint allow you to query all your assigned or created products.
HTTP Request
GET /products
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Get card statuses
Example JSON Request:
GET /catalogs/card_status
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"card_status": [
"key": "ACTIVE",
"value": "01",
"description": ""
"value": "2N",
"description": ""
This operation allow you to get the card statuses catalog information.
HTTP Request
GET /catalogs/card_status
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Get document types
Example JSON Request:
GET /catalogs/document_types
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"document_type": [
"key": "INE",
"value": "INE",
"description": ""
"key": "IFE",
"value": "IFE",
"description": ""
This operation allow you to get the Document Types catalog information.
HTTP Request
GET /catalogs/document_type
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
Get states
Example JSON Request:
GET /catalogs/states
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"states": [
"key": "CDMX",
"value": "A",
"description": ""
"value": "B",
"description": ""
This operation allow you to get the States catalog information.
HTTP Request
GET /catalogs/states
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
GET marital status
Example JSON Request:
GET /catalogs/marital_status
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"marital_status": [
"key": "SOLTERO",
"value": "S",
"description": ""
"key": "CASADO",
"value": "C",
"description": ""
This operation allow you to get the marital statuses catalog information.
HTTP Request
GET /catalogs/marital_status
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
GET gender
Example JSON Request:
GET /catalogs/gender
Example JSON Response:
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"gender": [
"key": "MALE",
"value": "MALE",
"description": ""
"key": "FEMALE",
"value": "FEMALE",
"description": ""
This operation allow you to get the gender catalog information.
HTTP Request
GET /catalogs/gender
Header Parameters
Header | Description |
Authorization required |
The Bearer token created in Get authorization Token |
Content-Type required |
application/json |
HTTP Codes
All the CIMAPI calls return one of the following http codes:
HTTP Code | Meaning |
200 | Ok -- Your request was executed successfully!. |
201 | Created -- Your resource was successfully created!. |
400 | Bad Request -- Your request is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong. |
403 | Forbidden -- The operation or resource was valid, but an error has occurred. |
404 | Not Found -- The specified operation or resource could not be found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access an operation with an invalid method. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity -- Your request syntax is valid, but has invalid fields. |
429 | Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many things! Slow down! |
500 | Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |